Equipment Catalogue SKMCH&RC, Peshawar

The Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centres (SKMCH&RC) in Pakistan today proudly rank amongst the best cancer centres of the world. The hospitals continue to function and provide care as envisioned by their mission statement, to provide state-of-the-art cancer care, irrespective of the ability to pay and to pursue education and research.
With the rapid technological advancement especially in the field of healthcare, we have to continuously invest in state-of-the-art equipment to keep ourselves at the cutting edge of technology. Your continuous support towards our hospitals has made it possible for us to do this in the past and will surely help us in meeting greater challenges this year.
The table below provides information about the equipment that we need to procure to be able to provide cancer care to our patients in line with international standards.
It is truly your donations that equip us to fight cancer.

Equipment Sponsorship Catalogue

Name of EquipmentDepartment / SectionQtyUnit Price (USD)
CT Brilliance-64Radiology 11,079,100
Respiratory Gating SystemClinical and Radiation Oncology1388,500
Operating Microscope Surgical Oncology1341,800
Ultrasound MachineRadiology 1194,200
Endoscopic Ultrasound Radial ScopeInternal Medicine1142,400
Double Channel GastroscopeInternal Medicine139,600
OmnitracSurgical Oncology129,100
VentilatorInternal Medicine127,000
High Flow OxygenInternal Medicine127,000
OR Table (with accessories)Surgical Oncology126,100
Dose CalibratorNuclear Medicine 119,400
Medical Imaging MonitorRadiology 115,100
CRRT Blood WarmerInternal Medicine111,900
Micro-Vascular Surgical SetSurgical Oncology18,600
Bair HuggerIntensive Care Unit 18,600
DefebrillatorNursing Division15,900
Vital Monitor (with stand)Clinical and Radiation Oncology24,900
Barium Vial SourceNuclear Medicine 14,900
Cesium Vial SourceNuclear Medicine 14,900
Digital Vital Sign Monitor Nursing Division44,900
Chemotherapy ChairChemotherapy44,300
Vital Sign MonitorChemotherapy 14,300
Electronic Bed (with accessories)Nursing Division124,300
Surgical LoopSurgical Oncology23,900
Flowtron PumpNursing Division23,200
Infusion PumpNursing Division123,200
Portable CapnographyIntensive Care Unit 22,900
Syringe PumpNursing Division62,200
Laparoscopic Instrument StorageSurgical Oncology41,300
Open Instrument ContainerSurgical Oncology41,300
Doppler ProbeSurgical Oncology1900
Pat SlideSurgical Oncology1900
Thyriod ShieldNuclear Medicine 2200
Dermal Biopsy PuncheSurgical Oncology10100

Please make note that:

  1. The purchase of the equipment will be prioritized in accordance with the needs of the Hospital during the financial year.
  2. The actual purchase price may vary subject to specifications of the equipment and the exchange rates prevailing at the time of purchase.