Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Guidelines for Patients

Since the World Health Organization declared the 2019 Novel Coronavirus a pandemic, we at the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust are working tirelessly towards ensuring a safe environment for our patients and staff. All patients are requested to follow the guidelines shared below:

  • We encourage our patients to complete their Covid-19 vaccination as soon as possible.
  • Please avoid bringing along an attendant. If necessary, only one attendant will be allowed. Do not bring any attendants who feel sick with fever, cough, difficulty in breathing, sore throat or runny nose.
  • Wearing masks is no longer mandatory in our facilities. However, patients are encouraged to continue to wear surgical masks. If you have any queries related to your appointment, please visit ‘Getting an Appointment‘ or contact us at:

Outpatient & Ambulatory Services
Tel: +92 42 35905000

Stay Home, Stay Safe – A Public Service Message

Shaukat Khanum COVID-19 Information Sessions:

Session 1 (February 28, 2020):
1. What is Coronavirus?
2. What are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19?
3. How can we prevent the transmission of COVID-19?


Session 2 (March 16, 2020):
1. How can we differentiate coronavirus from influenza?
2.How can high-risk groups protect themselves from COVID-19?
3. What is the importance of social distancing?


Session 3 (March 31, 2020):
1. Who should wear masks and gloves?
2. What is the case definition being used for COVID-19 patients?
3. How is Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital going to fight on two fronts – cancer and COVID-19?


Session 4 (April 6, 2020):
1. What is the psychological impact of the ongoing situation?
2. How to deal with stress, anxiety and depression during the current pandemic?
3. How can we generate a positive attitude during this time?


Session 5 (April 13, 2020):
1. Is SKMCH&RC conducting all the tests free of cost or are we charging?
2. How many patients are we seeing in Camp COVID on a daily basis?
3. How many patients are currently admitted with COVID?