RCP Global Stories: COVID-19 stories from around the world
The RCP Global is hosting the first episode in a series of regular webinars – ‘RCP Global Stories: COVID-19 stories from around the world’ on Tuesday 30th June 2020. They have a range of fantastic speakers from across the globe (representing Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Oman, Malaysia and America), who will be sharing how they and their colleagues have experienced this pandemic. This 1-hour webinar will be hosted by RCP President, Professor Andrew Goddard and will finish with a live Q&A and information about the wider series that will follow.
16:00 – Introduction and UK summary
Professor Andrew Goddard – President, Royal College of Physicians
16:05 – COVID-19 in Oman
His Excellency Dr. Ahmed Alsaidi – Health Minister of the Sultanate of Oman
16:10 – COVID-19 in Zimbabwe
Professor Innocent Gangaidzo – President, East Central and Southern Africa College of Physicians and Specialist Physician and Gastroenterologist, Harare Zimbabwe
16:15 – COVID-19 in Pakistan
Dr. Salma Abbas – Consultant of Infectious Diseases, Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Pakistan
16:20 – COVID-19 in Malaysia
Professor Tan Maw Pin – Geriatric Medicine Professor, University of Malaya, Malaysia
16:25 – COVID-19 in America
Dr. David T Martin, Cardiology Specialist and Associate Global Director (Americas), Royal College of Physicians
16:30 – Question and Answer Session
Professor Innocent Gangaidzo, Dr. Salma Abbas, Dr. Seif Salem Al-Abri, Professor Tan Maw Pin and Dr. David T Martin
17:00 – Summary and Conclusion
Professor Andrew Goddard
End of Session
These are the links to the event registration and the social media posts:
To register for the event (and to read the full programme): https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2FQcpYgOjyC3%3Famp%3D1&eventid=2437496&sessionid=1&key=26B0BFDF7C7301006821371BDB9DFAAA®Tag=&sourcepage=register
Twitter post: https://twitter.com/RCPLondon/status/1275821210530729984
Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/RoyalCollegeofPhysicians/photos/a.10150314933017721/10156999533027721/?type=3&theater