Shaukat Khanum Breast Cancer Awareness

Make a Pledge to Take 5 Minutes for Yourself.

Do you know that Breast cancer ranks the most common cancer among women worldwide, with one in every nine women diagnosed with it? In Pakistan, it stands out with one of the highest incidence rates in Asia.

While you may not always have control over preventing breast cancer, early detection is a powerful tool. By taking these simple steps, you can actively participate in safeguarding your breast health and ensuring that any potential issues are identified and addressed promptly:
1. Monthly Self-Examination: Women under 40 should carry out monthly self-examination.
2. Yearly Mammography Screening: Women over 40 should get yearly mammography screening.

Breast Cancer Awareness Leaflet (English Version) | Breast Cancer Awareness Leaflet (Urdu Version)

THINK PINK, ACT PINK: This October, we encourage our well-wishers and supporters to participate in any of the following activities to help us expand the reach of the life-saving message that is breast cancer awareness.


1) Organise a Shaukat Khanum Pink Tea Party and share your photos with us on social media using #PinkTeaParty




2) #IPledgeToCheck Selfie
Take a Pink Selfie while making a pledge and share your photos on social media using #IPledgeToCheck



Support a Breast Cancer Patient:

You can significantly impact the battle against breast cancer by offering full or partial sponsorship for the vital treatments required by our patients. As per the Shaukat Khanum Cancer Registry, breast cancer continues to be the most common cancer across all age and gender groups. Consequently, the Hospital relies on your generous assistance, now more critical than ever, to ensure that we can maintain and expand our cutting-edge breast cancer treatment services for a larger number of women.









How to Donate:

Online | Cash, Cheque or Bank Draft | Through Bank Transfer | Home Collection

Know More About Breast Cancer:

Breast cancer is a critical health concern that affects women worldwide. Understanding its signs, symptoms, and risk factors is crucial for early detection and successful treatment.

What is Breast Cancer?
What are the signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer?
Who is at risk?
Breast Awareness
What should you look for?
What should you feel for?
How to perform Breast Self-Examination?
When to report to a healthcare provider?
Screening recommendations
Where can you get help?
